[home][projects][music] cope: cope is a minimal package manager written by ali019283
| -> cope           [d|b|f|r|s|l|u] [pkg]...                        |
| -> d              install packages                                |
| -> b              d but force install dependency tree             |
| -> f              d but ignore install dependency tree            |
| -> r              remove packages                                 |
| -> s              r but ignore dependencies                       |
| -> l              list installed packages                         |
| -> u              update repo                                     |
mangy: mangy is a minimal vim-inspired window manager written by ali019283
| -> exec mangy                                                     |
| -> modkey + esc            Closes the connection to X server      |
| -> modkey + q              Closes the focused window              |
| -> modkey + h,j,k,l        Moves focused window                   |
| -> modkey + arrow keys     Resizes focused window.                |
sbg93: sbg93 is a befunge93 interpreter written by ali019283
| -> sbg93          [Befunge93 file]...                             |
| -> +              Addition                                        |
| -> -              Subtraction                                     |
| -> *              Multiplication                                  |
| -> /              Division                                        |
| -> %              Module                                          |
| -> !              NOT                                             |
| -> `              Greater than                                    |
| -> >              Direction right                                 |
| -> <              Direction left                                  |
| -> ^              Direction up                                    |
| -> v              Direction down                                  |
| -> ?              Random direction                                |
| -> _              Horizontal IF (0: right, 1: left)               |
| -> |              Vertical IF (0: up, 1: down)                    |
| -> :              Duplicate last value                            |
| -> \              Swap last 2 values given                        |
| -> $              Remove last value                               |
| -> .              Give last value as output and remove            |
| -> #              Discard next command                            |
| -> &              Get input                                       |
| -> @              End                                             |
sbfi: sbfi is a brainfuck interpreter written by ali019283
| -> sbfi           [Brainfuck file]...                             |
| -> >              Move pointer right                              |
| -> <              Move pointer left                               |
| -> +              Raise pointed value by 1                        |
| -> -              Decrease pointed value by 1                     |
| -> .              Output pointed value                            |
| -> ,              Get input and store at pointed value            |
| -> [              Jump to ] if pointed value is 0                 |
| -> ]              Jump to [ if pointed value isn't 0              |
cpass: cpass is a minimal copy of pass written in C by ali019283
| -> cpass                   [init|insert|show] [password|key-id]   |
| -> init                    Set a key-id or fingerprint            |
| -> insert                  Create password                        |
| -> show                    Show password                          |
dogefetch: dogefetch is a minimal fetch program written by ali019283
| -> dogefetch      [doggo-color=yellow|green|red]...               |
| -> yellow         Make doge ascii color yellow                    |
| -> red            Make doge ascii color red                       |
| -> green          Make doge ascii color green                     |
seethe: seethe is a minimal init system written by ali019283
| -> sman           [enable|disable {service}|reboot|poweroff {now}] |
| -> enable         Enable given service                             |
| -> disable        Disable given service                            |
| -> reboot         Reboot                                           |
| -> poweroff       poweroff                                         |

m4ld: m4ld is a minimal grouping library for python written by ali019283